Landscaping Mulch

Double-grind natural bark mulch is composed of ground, screened, and partially composted tree bark, containing no additives.

While not inhibiting weed growth as much as other mulch options, double-grind natural bark mulch continues to compost after application, adding rich nutrients to your garden soil. It is a healthy choice for most gardens and plants, particularly those that thrive in neutral or alkaline soils.

Whether deep black, bright red, or rich brown, coloured mulch creates striking landscaping effects. Composed of consistently-sized softwood chips, this mulch breaks down more slowly than other mulch options, providing a stronger weed barrier. It is best for gardens and plants requiring neutral or acidic soils.

Coloured mulch wood fibres are dyed with environmentally safe, water-based colourants, are colourfast once dry, and will maintain their hue for 2 to 3 years. To keep colours sharp, lightly rake and circulate coloured mulch every season and apply a 1″ – 2″ top-dressing (fresh mulch) every spring.

Mixed softwood chips contain about 15% bark and 85% wood chips. They break down more slowly than other mulch options, providing a stronger weed barrier. They are suitable for gardens and plants requiring neutral or acidic soils and are an affordable alternative for pathway footing and high-traffic surfaces.

Our hemlock chips are 100% hemlock (with no bark content), making them more consistent in size than other mulch options. They provide suitable weed suppression around plants that tolerate high pH (alkaline conditions) and longer-lasting covering for pathways and high-traffic surfaces.

Why use landscaping mulch?

Mulch helps your plants thrive. Mimicking the effects of a natural forest floor, mulch works year-round to insulate roots, inhibit weed growth, regulate soil moisture and temperature, and prevent nutrient-leaching, soil erosion, and soil compaction. By reducing the need for weeding, watering, and fertilizing, mulch gives you more time to enjoy your garden. Of course, mulch also looks beautiful, complementing the healthy green of foliage, offsetting the brighter hues of flowers, and giving your garden a finished, professional look.

Nova Tree offers pickup options, bulk-purchase delivery to NS, NB, & PEI, and residential delivery (maximum 5 yards³) to Bible Hill, Central North River, Debert, Greenfield, Harmony, Truro, Truro Heights, & Valley.

Contractor pricing is available.

Landscaping Mulch pricelist & calculator

Double-Grind Natural Bark MulchColoured Mulch (Black)Coloured Mulch (Red or Brown)Uncoloured Softwood ChipsMixed Softwood ChipsHemlock Chips
1.0 yard³, loaded$46.⁰⁰$58.⁰⁰$64.⁰⁰$47.⁰⁰$34.⁰⁰$38.⁰⁰
1.5 yards³ or ¼-ton truck, loaded$64.⁰⁰$82.⁰⁰$91.⁰⁰$65.⁵⁰$46.⁰⁰$52.⁰⁰
2.0 yards³ or ½-ton truck, loaded$82.⁰⁰$106.⁰⁰$118.⁰⁰$84.⁰⁰$58.⁰⁰$66.⁰⁰
over 2.0 yards³,
per yard³ *
* Loading, when not included, is $10.⁰⁰

HST not included in above listed prices.