Landscaping Structures

Why use raised garden beds?

Raised beds help plants and root systems stay healthy. Elevating soil above ground level promotes good drainage, prevents soil compaction and erosion, and serves as a weed and pest barrier.

Raised beds make it easier to tend your garden. Bringing your gardening up a level can provide seating, reduce back strain, and allow those with reduced mobility to garden more comfortably. Because elevated soil is warmer and better drained, you can start gardening earlier in the season.

Great for growing small plots of veggies and flowers, our 16″-high garden beds come in 4’x8′, 4’x10′, and 4’x12′ easy-to-assemble kits, with Top Dressing optional, and start at only $151.⁰⁰ per bed.

Interested in a custom-sized raised bed? Please call us for an estimate.

We also provide 5′-wide industrial-grade landscape fabric to help lock weeds out of your raised beds!

Raised Garden Bed pricelist

Basic Raised Bed *Top-dressed Raised Bed *
4' x 8'$151.⁰⁰$208.⁰⁰
4' x 10'$165.⁰⁰$228.⁰⁰
4' x 12'$204.⁰⁰$282.⁰⁰
* All raised bed kits include metal fasteners and corner braces. Top-dressed kits also include dressed boards to finish top edges.

Heavy-duty Landscape FabricPer linear foot (1')Per roll (300')
5' wide$1.³³$290.⁰⁰

Because arbors look so elegant, it’s easy to forget all the functions they can serve. When paired with wood fencing, an arbor can turn a gate into a visual focal point (or a mere gap in a fence into an inviting entrance). When freestanding, an arbor can accent a pathway (or draw wandering foot traffic onto the pathway you want). In both cases, arbors give your vines and climbing plants a place to show off.

Our arbors are constructed from 3½” rounded, doweled wood to ensure a long-lasting frame and tight-fitting, durable joints. They are currently available in pressure-treated SPF (spruce-pine-fir) and naturally rot-resistant and insect-resistant eastern hemlock.

Our arch-style arbors are approximately 7′ high, 5½’ wide, and 3¼’ from front to back of arch.

Arbor pricelist

Eastern HemlockPressure-treated SPF
Arbor (arch-style)$329.⁰⁰$349.⁰⁰

Deer Fence (7½’ high)
$2.⁸⁹ per linear foot
$688.⁰⁰ per 330-foot roll

Deer Fence (5′ high)
$2.⁰⁹ per linear foot
$466.⁶⁷ per 330-foot roll